We provide financial support for philosophy graduate students at UK universities to organise conferences, so they have the opportunity to present their work to their peers from around the country; to hear keynote presentations from established philosophers, and to gain experience of conference organisation.
Each year we offer a number of grants to a total of £5,000 for the programme as a whole.
Applications for the academic year 2024/2025 are now closed.
For the purposes of this scheme, 2024/25 runs from 1 Oct 2023 – 30 Sept 2025.
There is no set format for graduate conferences. However, while presentations from a small number of keynote speakers are encouraged, please note that the primary object of the Royal Institute graduate conferences is to enable current graduate students to gain experience of presenting their work to conference audiences, and to receive feedback. Thus applications are encouraged which evidence the fact that graduate papers will have established philosophers as commentators and/or established philosophers in the audience. A secondary object of the Royal Institute graduate conferences is to give current graduate students experience of conference organisation so plans and responsibilities for organising the conference should be made clear in your application. Applications are welcome both from institutions who have a track record of successfully putting on such conferences, and from new applicants.
Applicants must take note of our terms and conditions of grant funding.